Students projects and experiments in the pharmacy laboratory

01 Mar, 2024

There is no doubt that the practical aspect may contribute directly to the development of students’ scientific, cognitive and research skills.

 Therefore, laboratory experiments are considered one of the most important means that enable the student to understand the properties and behavior of chemicals, and they are also the only means of preparing various chemical compounds. The development of technology at the present time has led to the use of tools and measuring devices in the laboratory that have made it possible to increase the accuracy and speed of obtaining experimental results.

 It is worth noting that our students at Gharyan College of Pharmacy have actually begun the practical side of most subjects since the beginning of the academic year, and this is what the college administration has been doing this year, with the help of laboratory technicians and the direct supervision of specialized doctors.

 On the other hand, the project students began this week conducting their first experiment in pharmacy laboratories under the supervision of the always distinguished Dr.

 Mr. Tariq Ahmed Qunaidi..

 We ask God for success and payment for all.

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