(Opening of the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gharyan University)

15 Dec, 2022

Today, Gharyan University celebrated the opening of the College of Pharmacy building. The opening began with a speech given by the student (Rayyan Al-Razzaqi), followed by verses of the Holy Qur’an recited by the student (Adam Ismail) and the national anthem. Then the words continued, beginning with the dean of the college in charge, Dr. Nasr Al-Din Al-Mayoufi, then a speech by the president. The university was delivered by Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ghouma, followed by a speech by the university’s representative for scientific affairs, and then a speech by the university’s general registrar, Mr. Salah Al-Fayd. In conclusion, there was a speech by the president of the college’s student union, the student (Ahmed Daba), in which he commended the efforts made and confirmed the success of this work. The work of the Student Union is to be the student’s voice and the link between him and the college.

 The educational pharmacy was opened at the college, which will be an excellent step in training students.

 After that, scholarship cards were distributed to students registered in the scholarship link from various colleges.

 There was a distinguished presence of our guests, most notably the former Dean of the College, Dr. Musab Belkhair, who is considered the first founder of the College of Pharmacy.

 With the presence of members of the General Union of Gharyan University Students.

 In conclusion, we thank everyone who contributed to making this work a success and doing their duty to the fullest.

 Congratulations, we wish you good luck and success.

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