Issuing and accrediting the first batch of graduates at the Gharyan College of Pharmacy

03 Mar, 2024


 Effort must be valued, and giving must be distinguished, in the souls who made the effort and were not weak, and continued to give and did not despair... they continued the course of sincere work, and achieved with the help of truth.

 Glory be to Him for all excellence..

 Praise be to God, this Sunday morning, all graduation certificates were issued and approved for the students of the first batch of the Gharyan College of Pharmacy, and all their academic requirements were met.

 While we congratulate all of our students on graduating and obtaining a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy, we invite everyone to go to the Graduate Affairs Office to receive their certificates starting tomorrow, Monday.

 In this regard, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Director of the Graduate Affairs Office, the College Registrar, and the Head of the Study and Examinations Department for the great effort they have made over the past period to accomplish this work.

 We wish everyone good luck and success in their academic and practical careers.

 God grants success..

 Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs at the college.


 #College Documentation and Information Office


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